In previous article HERE, we presented Raffia fabric. In this article, we are going to present a fashion brand that use mainly Raffia fabric to make their pieces.
Founded in 2013 by Madonna Kendona-Sowah, Raffia is a label which showcase beautiful textiles with classy designs.

With a training in Economic Developpement, Madonna Kendona-Sowah promotes through her brand employment and education in the Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana.
By naming her brand by the name of its main raw material, the designer wanted to capture everything the brand is about. And she also wanted to change some of the negative perceptions people have towards Northern Ghana, being a child of the North herself.
Comparing where is was from with Raffia plam, which is rough and dry in its raw state but can be used to make beautiful things. Madonna Kendona-Sowah wanted to show that Northern Ghana is a beautiful place with fascinating customs, delicious food, stunning fabrics and gorgeous peoples.
Recognising that girls’ education is essential to the growth of any nation, Raffia has partnered with Youth Alive, a Ghanaian child rights organisation, to promote girls’ education in the 3 northernmost and poorest regions of Ghana. 10% of the profits from each Raffia item sold will go directly towards Youth Alive’s girl education projects in Ghana’s Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions.
Below here a sample of Raffiagh gorgeous classy pieces:
Raffiagh Contact Info: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
YouthALive website
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