Why Clarify you hair once a month?
As you may know from my article why I stopped relaxing my hair. My hair is 100% natural and I like to know all the ingredients that I put in my hair. In addition, I will love to share my hair regimen in another article. Today, I want to talk about the importance of clarifying your hair in a monthly basis with an easy baking soda shampoo. A clarifying shampoo allows you to clean your hair and your scalp in depth. Plus, it is a type of shampoo that should be used occasionally and not on a daily basis. Indeed, if you use this type of shampoo repeatedly, you will have dry and brittle hair. A clarifying shampoo once a month is more than enough if you tend to use gentle shampoos (co-wash, washing powder, etc.), or once every 2 to 3 months if you use regular shampoos.
What does hair detoxification provide?
The benefits of a scalp detox are quite significant. It stimulates the hair follicles to promote hair growth and helps rid the scalp of acne, dandruff and scabs. About a week later, you should already notice a difference in the texture of your hair. Therefore, you will have:
- a healthy scalp, no more dandruff and itching,
- clean hair, free of impurities, ready to receive effective care,
- beautiful, shiny and silky hair,
- a smoothing and sheathing effect
My go-to recipes using baking soda

My go-to recipes for clarifying my hair is using baking soda. You have it in your kitchen I’m sure! The bicarbonate will rid your hair of the residue that has built up from the daily use of your hair products. Two easy to do hair recipe to have a clear and healthy scalp:
Recipe 1 : Baking Soda and hot water
You will need
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 3 cups of hot water
- Mix the baking soda in hot water and keep it separate.
- Rinse your hair until it is completely wet.
- Pour the baking soda and water mixture into your hair.
- Work the mixture in well and massage your scalp for a few minutes.
- Rinse and apply conditioner to seal in the detoxification.
- You can also add some raw honey to condition your hair.
The hot water will lift your cuticles, allowing for a deep clean. Baking soda removes oil buildup, fights dandruff, and removes product buildup on the hair shaft and scalp.
How often should I use it?
Note that you can use this baking soda detoxifier once a month. If you have very dry hair, avoid it!
Recipe 2: Baking Soda and regular shampoo
For this recipe You will need
- your usual shampoo (your usual amount of shampoo without silicones),
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate (the dose varies according to the density of your hair) and
- a container for your preparation.
- Mix the preparation
- Then once you have an omega mixture
- Wet your hair thoroughly
- Apply the preparation and massage your scalp
- Rinse your hair thoroughly
- You can do this shampoo a second time if you wish.
- After washing your hair, think about making your hair mask.
- After applying your mask, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Recipe from the French blog: https://iamcurlydestiny.wordpress.com/2017/11/19/shampoing-clarifiant-maison/
Tell me what you think of this two easy baking soda shampoo. Will you add one of them in your hair regimen ?
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